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Scopes are medical instruments that are used in surgical procedures to visualize internal organs or body cavities. These scopes can be used to diagnose, treat, or monitor various medical conditions. Here are 50 types of scopes used in surgical procedures and their functions:

  1. Endoscope – A flexible or rigid tube with a light and camera that is used to visualize internal organs and body cavities, such as the digestive tract, respiratory system, and bladder.
  2. Arthroscope – A small, tube-shaped instrument with a camera and light that is used to visualize and diagnose joint problems, such as torn cartilage and ligaments.
  3. Bronchoscope – A flexible or rigid tube with a camera and light that is used to examine the inside of the trachea and bronchi, and to diagnose and treat lung conditions.
  4. Colonoscope – A flexible tube with a camera and light that is used to visualize the inside of the large intestine, and to diagnose and treat conditions such as polyps and cancer.
  5. Cystoscope – A tube with a camera and light that is used to examine the bladder and urethra, and to diagnose and treat conditions such as bladder stones and tumors.
  6. Duodenoscope – A flexible tube with a camera and light that is used to examine the inside of the duodenum, and to diagnose and treat conditions such as blockages and bleeding.
  7. Enteroscope – A flexible or rigid tube with a camera and light that is used to examine the small intestine, and to diagnose and treat conditions such as bleeding and tumors.
  8. Hysteroscope – A small tube with a camera and light that is used to visualize the inside of the uterus, and to diagnose and treat conditions such as polyps and fibroids.
  9. Laparoscope – A small, tube-shaped instrument with a camera and light that is used to visualize the inside of the abdomen, and to diagnose and treat conditions such as tumors and hernias.
  10. Laryngoscope – A tube with a camera and light that is used to examine the larynx, and to diagnose and treat conditions such as tumors and vocal cord problems.
  11. Nasopharyngoscope – A flexible or rigid tube with a camera and light that is used to examine the inside of the nose and throat, and to diagnose and treat conditions such as sinusitis and sleep apnea.
  12. Neuroendoscope – A thin, flexible tube with a camera and light that is used to visualize the brain and spinal cord, and to diagnose and treat conditions such as tumors and aneurysms.
  13. Ophthalmoscope – A small instrument with a light and lens that is used to visualize the inside of the eye, and to diagnose and treat conditions such as retinal detachment and glaucoma.
  14. Otoscope – A small instrument with a light and lens that is used to examine the ear canal and eardrum, and to diagnose and treat conditions such as infections and hearing loss.
  15. Proctoscope – A tube with a camera and light that is used to examine the rectum and anus, and to diagnose and treat conditions such as hemorrhoids and rectal prolapse.
  16. Sigmoidoscope – A flexible tube with a camera and light that is used to examine the sigmoid colon, and to diagnose and treat conditions such as polyps and cancer.
  17. Thoracoscope – A tube with a camera and light that is used to examine the inside of the chest cavity, and to diagnose and treat conditions such as lung cancer and pleural effusion.
  18. Ureteroscope – A flexible or rigid tube with a camera and light that is used to examine the ureter, and to diagnose and treat conditions such as kidney stones.