Radiology QC Checks & Maintenance

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Certainly, ensuring the proper functioning of radiology equipment in hospitals is crucial for accurate diagnosis and patient safety. Here’s an in-depth analysis of the required quality control (QC) checks, maintenance, and physicist inspections for various radiology modalities commonly found in hospitals:

X-ray Radiography:

Quality Control Checks:

  1. Daily Checks: Verify functionality of X-ray generator, assess image receptor performance, and check for artifacts.
  2. Weekly Checks: Assess exposure consistency, evaluate image quality with phantoms, and confirm alignment.
  3. Monthly Checks: Monitor image contrast and resolution, check collimation accuracy, and assess radiation dose output.
  4. Quarterly/Semi-Annual Checks: Perform comprehensive evaluations of system performance, including calibration of exposure parameters.


  1. Annual Calibration: Recalibrate X-ray generator, image receptor, and exposure parameters to ensure accuracy.
  2. Tube Replacement: Replace X-ray tube as needed based on usage and manufacturer recommendations.
  3. Detector Maintenance: Clean and calibrate image receptors, and replace worn components as necessary.
  4. Software Updates: Install updates and patches to maintain system functionality and security.

Physicist Inspection:

  1. Annual Inspection: Conduct comprehensive evaluation of X-ray machine performance, including assessment of image quality, radiation dose levels, and compliance with regulatory standards.
  2. Documentation Review: Review QC records, maintenance logs, and calibration certificates to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.
  3. Recommendations for Improvement: Provide recommendations for optimizing image quality, reducing radiation dose, and enhancing patient safety.

Computed Tomography (CT):

Quality Control Checks:

  1. Daily Checks: Verify functionality of CT scanner, assess image quality, and check alignment.
  2. Weekly Checks: Evaluate image uniformity, assess low-contrast detectability, and confirm radiation dose levels.
  3. Monthly Checks: Monitor spatial resolution and noise characteristics, assess dose modulation, and verify accuracy of exposure parameters.
  4. Quarterly/Semi-Annual Checks: Perform comprehensive evaluations of system performance, including evaluation of artifact levels and calibration of imaging parameters.


  1. Annual Calibration: Recalibrate CT scanner, including gantry tilt, table position, and image reconstruction algorithms.
  2. Tube Replacement: Replace X-ray tube and detector components as needed based on usage and manufacturer recommendations.
  3. Scanner Alignment: Ensure proper alignment of gantry components and detector arrays to maintain image quality.
  4. Software Updates: Install updates and patches to address software bugs, improve image reconstruction algorithms, and enhance patient safety.

Physicist Inspection:

  1. Annual Inspection: Conduct comprehensive evaluation of CT scanner performance, including assessment of image quality, radiation dose levels, and compliance with regulatory standards.
  2. Dosimetry Measurements: Measure radiation dose indices, including CTDIvol and DLP, to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.
  3. Evaluation of Artifact Levels: Assess artifact levels and image uniformity to identify potential issues with scanner performance and recommend corrective actions.
  4. Patient Safety Recommendations: Provide recommendations for optimizing scan protocols, reducing radiation dose, and enhancing patient safety.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI):

Quality Control Checks:

  1. Daily Checks: Verify functionality of MRI scanner, assess image quality, and check for artifacts.
  2. Weekly Checks: Evaluate image uniformity, assess signal-to-noise ratio, and confirm gradient linearity.
  3. Monthly Checks: Monitor spatial resolution and contrast-to-noise ratio, assess RF coil performance, and verify gradient calibration.
  4. Quarterly/Semi-Annual Checks: Perform comprehensive evaluations of system performance, including assessment of geometric accuracy and alignment.


  1. Annual Calibration: Recalibrate MRI scanner, including gradient coils, RF coils, and image reconstruction algorithms.
  2. Gradient Coil Replacement: Replace gradient coils as needed based on usage and manufacturer recommendations.
  3. RF Coil Maintenance: Clean and calibrate RF coils, and replace worn components as necessary.
  4. Software Updates: Install updates and patches to address software bugs, improve image reconstruction algorithms, and enhance patient safety.

Physicist Inspection:

  1. Annual Inspection: Conduct comprehensive evaluation of MRI scanner performance, including assessment of image quality, geometric accuracy, and compliance with regulatory standards.
  2. Gradient Coil Linearity: Verify linearity of gradient coils and evaluate spatial distortion levels to ensure image quality.
  3. Evaluation of Artifact Levels: Assess artifact levels and image uniformity to identify potential issues with scanner performance and recommend corrective actions.
  4. Safety Assessment: Perform safety checks to ensure proper functioning of gradient coils, RF coils, and other MRI components, and provide recommendations for enhancing patient safety.


Quality Control Checks:

  1. Daily Checks: Verify functionality of ultrasound system, assess image quality, and check for artifacts.
  2. Weekly Checks: Evaluate image uniformity, assess depth penetration, and confirm transducer calibration.
  3. Monthly Checks: Monitor spatial resolution and contrast resolution, assess Doppler sensitivity, and verify system settings.
  4. Quarterly/Semi-Annual Checks: Perform comprehensive evaluations of system performance, including assessment of system stability and image artifacts.


  1. Transducer Maintenance: Clean and calibrate ultrasound transducers, and replace worn components as necessary.
  2. System Calibration: Recalibrate ultrasound system, including beamforming parameters, time gain compensation, and image processing algorithms.
  3. Software Updates: Install updates and patches to address software bugs, improve image processing algorithms, and enhance patient safety.

Physicist Inspection:

  1. Annual Inspection: Conduct comprehensive evaluation of ultrasound system performance, including assessment of image quality, system stability, and compliance with regulatory standards.
  2. Transducer Calibration: Verify transducer calibration and assess transducer performance to ensure accurate image acquisition.
  3. Evaluation of Artifact Levels: Assess artifact levels and image uniformity to identify potential issues with system performance and recommend corrective actions.
  4. Recommendations for Improvement: Provide recommendations for optimizing image quality, reducing artifacts, and enhancing patient safety.

In summary, ensuring the proper functioning of radiology equipment in hospitals requires a combination of regular quality control checks, routine maintenance activities, and physicist inspections. By following these guidelines and recommendations, hospitals can maintain high standards of image quality, accuracy, and patient safety across a variety of radiology modalities.