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DNV GL Healthcare (DNV) is an international accrediting body that focuses on quality and safety in the healthcare industry. DNV is a subsidiary of DNV GL, a global provider of technical assurance and certification services. DNV’s hospital accreditation program is recognized by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) as an alternative to the traditional Joint Commission (TJC) accreditation.

DNV’s hospital accreditation process involves a comprehensive on-site survey, during which a team of surveyors evaluates the facility’s policies, procedures, and practices related to patient care and safety. The surveyors also interview staff and patients to assess the facility’s culture and overall quality of care. The accreditation process focuses on the facility’s compliance with national and international standards, as well as its ability to continuously improve and maintain the quality of care.

DNV’s accreditation program is based on the ISO 9001:2015 quality management standard and the ISO 15189:2012 medical laboratories standard. These standards provide a framework for quality management and improvement, and focus on areas such as patient rights and safety, infection control, and emergency management. DNV also offers specific accreditation programs for certain services, such as stroke, wound care, and sleep disorders.

One of the unique features of DNV’s accreditation process is the emphasis on risk management. DNV’s program requires facilities to conduct ongoing risk assessments and implement plans to mitigate identified risks. This approach aligns with the CMS’ focus on patient safety and quality improvement.

DNV’s accreditation is valid for three years, and facilities are required to participate in ongoing performance improvement activities and undergo regular follow-up surveys to maintain their accreditation. DNV also offers a web-based tool for facilities to track and report their performance improvement activities.

DNV’s accreditation is recognized by several national and international organizations, including the International Society for Quality in Health Care (ISQua) and the National Integrated Accreditation for Healthcare Organizations (NIAHO).

In summary, DNV GL Healthcare (DNV) is an international accrediting body that focus on quality and safety in the healthcare industry. DNV’s hospital accreditation process is recognized by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) as an alternative to the traditional Joint Commission (TJC) accreditation. DNV’s program is based on ISO standards and emphasizes on the risk management, and it requires facilities to conduct ongoing risk assessments and implement plans to mitigate identified risks. The accreditation is valid for three years and facilities are required to participate in ongoing performance improvement activities and undergo regular follow-up surveys to maintain their accreditation.